Friday 15 February 2008

United States Credit Crisis started few years ago, the country instability after 2001 created less demand for real estate, so the banks were forced to lower the loan interest rate. The recent meltdown in the mortgage market was created by slowdown in housing sales, which lowered the prices and banks adjusted their credit rates. The crisis, which is also called sub-prime crisis, has it roots in fall of house pricing. The second very important factor is adaptation of the new scoring technique. Thanks to this techniques banks were able to divide their borrowers into credit-worthy borrowers and set for them high-risk interest loan rates. In 2003-2006 interest rate was low, 20% of $3,2 trillion in facilitated home mortgages were consider sub-prime and most of its borrowers were those with poor credit histories at high interest rates. The American dollar inflation is caused by the dollar devaluation, which resulted in more instability in US economy, as well as in the mortgage market changes. The Americans are one of the larger importers of goods and have to pay more dollars for the same amount of imports. The money is going out of the country so the inflation is getting deeper. people who bought houses with combined loans and high-risk rates are facing a big problem right now. The interest rates are going up as their were stated high-risk so borrowers has to pay more each month and as well as prices of houses are still going down they cannot sell the properties with any profit but just with loss. Those losses can be even equal to tens of thousand dollars. The last barrier in this never ending chain is that the contracts with banks usually included the certain amount of time when the borrowers cannot sell houses. If the rules were broken he/she has to pay a penalty around $40,000. In thew conclusion if once you got into spin of the loan crisis it is impossible to get out of it without losing anything. The losses are considering both sides banks and borrowers because most of borrowers cannot afford to pay back money to the bank so the banks are also losing money (profit). This causes bankruptcy of many national and multinational banks. 

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